Office Availability Over the Next Week.
With the New Year almost here, I wanted to update you on our office hours over the next week.
Our Office Team will be away from 12:30pm today (Thursday 12/30/2021) and back in the office Tuesday (1/04/2022) at 8am. Related Post : commercial real estate in New Jersey
If you have any urgent issues relating to shifts that you are scheduled for or any changes in condition or issues with clients, feel free to call the main number like normal.
If you have more general questions that are not urgent or critical please feel free to call the office on Tuesday morning after 8am.
For now, from all of us at Zeabe ®, we wish you a Merry and safe Holiday time, and a Happy New Year!
We look forward to talking and working with you in the New Year.
Thank you, Mike and the Team.
PS. If you had not seen my message earlier this week, you may have noticed we have changed our business name to Zeabe ®.
You can read all about the changes here.